Strapi – Optimizing REST API responses by preventing auto-population of relations

Strapi is an Open Source headless CMS based on NodeJS. It provides the backend admin tools to quickly create an API – both REST and GraphQL.

This is a mini series which outlines:

  1. Setting up Strapi and creating an API
  2. Adding ownership control to the API endpoints
  3. Optimising REST API responses – (you are here)

So far …

We have created a REST API for an expense management application with category support. We have JWT token based auth which came with Strapi to authenticate users. We have implemented the IsOwner policy in the controllers to restrict data access.

Optimizing the Responses while

The API by default automatically populates relationships and sends in all the related data. It is very useful for some cases and completely a overkill for others. Take the following for example.

I have setup 5 Expense Items in the Admin dashboard for our test_user. 4 of them are under the category ‘Travel’ and one of them is under the category ‘Food’. Now when we fetch the categories, let us see what we get.

When making a GET request to /categories, we are not only getting the categories but also all the expense items which are under every category. When a user has thousands of expense items, we cannot be querying the DB for all of them whenever a GET request is made to categories. That would cause serious performance issues.

Preventing auto-population of relations

We can turn this off by setting the autoPopulate flag to false in the model.

  • Open the file /api/category/models/category.settings.json
  • Add the line "autoPopulate": false in the the expense-items block as shown below
  • Let us also disable auto-population of the user. We have already implemented the IsOwner policy for all requests, so only the owner is going to be requesting their own categories and the user field is redundant data.
  "kind": "collectionType",
  "collectionName": "categories",
  "info": {
    "name": "Category"
  "options": {
    "increments": true,
    "timestamps": true
  "attributes": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "minLength": 2
    "color": {
      "type": "string"
    "user": {
      "plugin": "users-permissions",
      "model": "user",
      "via": "categories",
      "autoPopulate": false
    "expense_items": {
      "via": "category",
      "collection": "expense-item",
      "autoPopulate": false

Now as soon as we save the file, the Strapi dev server should restart. Now we can run the same GET /categories request to verify the results.

There is no expense items in the response. Just the categories.

We can use this method to turn of auto population of any relation in any of the Content Types we have created. This way the API returns only what we intend it to return.

Optimising the Login response

Let us take a look at the login response.

We can see that it contains all the categories and expense items of the user. This would put disastrous load on the system as the data size grows. So, let us turn off auto-populate for the users as well.

  • Open /extensions/user-permissions/models/User.settings.json
  • Scroll to the bottom and add "autoPopulate": false to the entries categories and expense_items

Now, let us login again and check the response.

No categories or expense items in the response, just the JWT token user object and the roles. Now every time a user logs in Strapi won’t be querying the database for everything related to the user.


This concludes this mini series. By applying the changes presented in this series, Strapi can be used a REST API backend not just for CMS purposes with strong public frontend, but also as a good backend for User focused web applications.

In my journey as a web developer, Strapi blew my mind the same way Django did almost a decade back with its built-in Admin UI. The amount of power Strapi packs right off the box is amazing.

Strapi – Adding IsOwner Policy to the API

Strapi is an Open Source headless CMS based on NodeJS. It provides the backend admin tools to quickly create an API – both REST and GraphQL.

This is a mini series which outlines:

  1. Setting up Strapi and creating an API
  2. Adding ownership control to the API endpoints – (you are here)
  3. Optimising REST API responses

So far…

We have created models for the app and have an API setup which works with JWT Authentication without a single line of code. But we have an issue, any authenticated user can read every other user’s data.

This can be rectified using setting up an access policy in the Model’s controller file.

Side Note: Strapi’s Policies section explains how to implement them and configure them for routes here. But that doesn’t work for IsOwner policy because ownership is object specific and thus has to be implemented in the controller instead of policy configuration.

Writing the Is Owner Policy

We will be using the Create is owner policy document as our reference material to update our API. I will be repeating all of it here with a little more information.

We have two models defined so far – Category & ExpenseItem. I am going to implement the IsOwner policy for Category and leave ExpenseItem as an exercise. Now, let’s go write some code.

  • Let us open our text editor and open the api/category/controllers/category.js file
  • It should have the following content
'use strict';

* Read the documentation (
* to customize this controller

module.exports = {};

All of our code will go into the braces. We will be adding 6 functions:

  1. create – the function executed when a new category is created. Here we will make sure that any newly created category is automatically assigned to the user creating the category.
  2. find – the function execute when all the objects are listed. For eg., /categories. When a user requests categories, we will filter the results such that the user receives only their’s and not others’.
  3. findOne – Same as the one above when a single object is accessed with id like /categories/1
  4. count – the count of objects in a model. We will be counting only the objects created by a particular user
  5. update – update a specific object. Only the owner should be able to do it
  6. delete – delete a specific object. Only the owner should be able to delete an object.

The above will cover the 4 CRUD operations and the 2 extra ones (listing and counting).

Create function

const { parseMultipartData, sanitizeEntity } = require("strapi-utils");

module.exports = {
* Create a new Category
* @param {*} ctx The Request Context
async create(ctx) {
let entity;

if ('multipart')) {
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx);
data.user =;
entity = await, { files });
} else {
ctx.request.body.user =;
entity = await;
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });

Strapi is built on Koa.js and thus uses async await instead of callbacks. Let us break down the logic of the function and see what’s happening.

  • the function is passed in the Request context which has the all the request related information like the form data, the user identified in the request (from our JWT token)..etc.,
  • we check if it is a multipart form which would mean we have uploaded files to deal with.
  • we parse the form for data and files, set the user as the user executing the request and use the Strapi service for our model to create a new entity.
  • if it is not a multipart form, then we just set the user of the request as an extra field into the request data and create the category using the Strapi service
  • finally we need to return the new category as a response – We use strapi’s function sanitizeEntity to pass in the newly created entity and the model.

Side Note: I know the Category model doesn’t have any files attached to it and the IF block with ‘multipart’ check is not necessary in this situation. But I am leaving it here for two reasons:

  1. If in the future, we want to support logos or some form of header image for the Category model, we don’t have to come back and update the code again.
  2. This might act as a reference implementation for someone reading the blog and might use it on a model with files and don’t want them to wonder files are not getting saved.

If you really want to have a lean code base then the just 3 lines would be sufficient

module.exports = {
* Create a new Category
* @param {*} ctx The Request Context
async create(ctx) {
ctx.request.body.user =;
let entity = await;
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });

Testing the create logic

Now we can re-run the POST request to create a new category in POST and verify that the user is automatically set for the category.


Update function

Now that we have the create function auto assigning the user for the categories, let us implement restrictions for updates.

* Update a category
* @param {*} ctx the request context

async update(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;

let entity;

// Find the category matching the ID and the user
const [category] = await{

if (!category) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't update this entry`);

// Update the category
if ('multipart')) {
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx);
entity = await{ id }, data, {
} else {
entity = await{ id }, ctx.request.body);

return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });

The update function adds an extra step of fetching the category and making sure that the category with that ID and userID exists before reading the request data. If the category doesn’t exist, then it returns a Unauthorized error. If it exists, then it updates the category and returns the updated information.

We can verify it with a PUT request to http://localhost:1337/categories/


Notice that the Food category has now been updated to Food & Drinks. Not just that, using the JWT token of the intruder user wouldn’t work either.


Find function

* List all the categories beloinging to the requesting user
* @param {*} ctx the request context

async find(ctx) {
let entities;

if (ctx.query._q) {
entities = await{
} else {
entities = await{

return => sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category }));


The find function checks if the query is a search query or a filter and calls the corresponding function. We also pass the '' of the requesting user along with other query params from the request to filter the search results. Now when we request the url http://localhost:1337/categories, the response contains only the objects of the requesting user.


Now let us see what we get when we request as a different user


FindOne function

* Get the category with a specific ID
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;

const entity = await{ id, '': });

if (!entity) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't view this entry`);

return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });

Fetching the category with id=3 as the owner (test_user)


Trying to get test_user’s category as the intruder


Count function

* Count of the categories of the requesting user
* @param {*} ctx the request context

count(ctx) {
if (ctx.query._q) {

Count of test user


Delete function

* Delete a record
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async delete(ctx) {
const [category] = await{

if (!category) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't delete this entry`);

let entity = await{ id: });
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });

Delete as a intruder – Unauthorized


Delete as the owner – test_user


Final code for the controller

Here is the complete controller code with all the functions.

'use strict';
const { parseMultipartData, sanitizeEntity } = require("strapi-utils");
* Read the documentation (
* to customize this controller
module.exports = {
* Create a new Category
* @param {*} ctx The Strapi Context
async create(ctx) {
let entity;
if ("multipart")) {
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx);
data.user =;
entity = await, { files });
} else {
ctx.request.body.user =;
entity = await;
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });
* Update a category
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async update(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;
let entity;
// Find the category matching the ID and the user
const [category] = await{
if (!category) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't update this entry`);
// Update the category
if ("multipart")) {
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx);
entity = await{ id }, data, {
} else {
entity = await{ id }, ctx.request.body);
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });
* List all the categories beloinging to the requesting user
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async find(ctx) {
let entities;
if (ctx.query._q) {
entities = await{
} else {
entities = await{
return =>
sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category })
* Get the category with a specific ID
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;
const entity = await{
if (!entity) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't view this entry`);
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });
* Count of the categories of the requesting user
* @param {*} ctx the request context
count(ctx) {
if (ctx.query._q) {
* Delete a record
* @param {*} ctx the request context
async delete(ctx) {
const [category] = await{
if (!category) {
return ctx.unauthorized(`You can't delete this entry`);
let entity = await{ id: });
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.category });
view raw category.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

So far …

  • Created a project
  • Added the models
  • Setup the API
  • Added the IsOwner policy to the controller


Let’s do a little bit of optimisation of the API responses. If we notice the GET request responses, the relations are always fully populated. For example, if we do a GET /categories each of these categories will have the user object in it. And if you add some expense items to a category, then all of those will be returned in the GET response as well. We will try to reduce this a bit and make it more streamlined in the next part.

Strapi – Creating an API without a single line of code

Strapi is an Open Source headless CMS based on NodeJS. It provides the backend admin tools to quickly create an API – both REST and GraphQL. I picked this up for a quick project in place of my regular Python frameworks like Flask or Django, because I can have an API up and running without writing a single line of code.

This is a mini series which outlines:

  1. Setting up Strapi and creating an API – (you are here)
  2. Adding ownership control to the API endpoints
  3. Optimising REST API responses

Why this series?

There is already wealth of blog posts on using Strapi for creating a variety of websites and apps. But most of them tend to focus on capabilities of vanilla Strapi. I want to focus on a couple of customisations that I made when using it to build a web application.

Our example app

Our example API is for an expense management system. Users can do the following things via the API:

  1. CRUD operations on Expense items
  2. CRUD operations on Categories which will be used to group the expense items

Note: I am not going to get into building frontend in this series, we will just focus on Strapi and the API

Installing Strapi

The Strapi Documentation is probably the best source for this based on your method of choice. You can install it on local machine, just pull a docker container or use a cloud provider like Digital Ocean or

I will refrain from posting the instructions here to avoid duplication.

Creating the Admin Account

Once you have created a new project, start the application in development mode.

yarn develop

Side note: This is very important, I once started it using the yarn start command and spent a solid 5 minutes searching why all the edit functionalities have disappeared.

You will be greeted with a admin registration screen like this one.


Fill in the information and create the admin account. This should log you in and show the Admin Homepage


Creating the Models

Strapi employs the well known MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. So, the first step is to define the Models for the API. Models are called as “Content-Type” in Strapi due to the CMS nature of the application. Click the “Create Your First Content-Type” button on the home page to create our first model – Category.


Click Continue, now we can add the fields for the model.


The category model is going to have two fields:

  1. name – a string – the name of the category
  2. color – a string – the hex code of the category color which be used for the frontend

Since both of them are strings, let’s click Text and create the fields


When we describe models in code, we usually have some constraints like primary key, unique, not-null ..etc., In this case we want the categories to have a name and have a minimum of 2 characters. We can specify that by switching to the Advanced Settings tab and setting the constraints.


Click + Add another field and create another “Text” field for color. (I am leaving the screenshot out for that one)

Click finish after putting in the details for color field.


We want the Categories to be user specific. So we need to add a relationship between the User Model which is already there and between the Category model which we just created.

  • Click “Add another field” button again and select Relation.
  • On the relation dialog on the right side, click the dropdown next to Category and select User.
  • In the middle relationship buttons select the Many-to-One icon such that the description reads (User has many Categories)


  • Click Finish and Click Save
  • Strapi will save this changes to the application and restart the application.
  • Now if you open the api folder and look at the contents you will see the files that Strapi created for the ‘Category’ Model
└── category
├── config
│   └── routes.json
├── controllers
│   └── category.js
├── models
│   ├── category.js
│   └── category.settings.json
└── services
└── category.js

Exercise: Create the Expense Item model

Now that we know the steps to create a model visually, I am going to leave creating the Expense Item Model as an exercise. The model will have the following fields

  1. amount – Number – Floating point value to hold the expense amount
  2. name – Text – A short description of the expense
  3. date – Date – The date when the expense was made
  4. category – Relation – category of the expense (Category has many Expense Items)
  5. user – Relation – User the expense item belongs (User has many Expense Items)


Testing the REST API

Now that our models and controllers are all in place, our API is ready. Let us try it out by visiting http://localhost:1337/categories


Oops, we don’t have access. While it is a disappointment, it is actually a good thing. By default Strapi doesn’t allow access to any resources. We need to configure access rules for the API to be usable. Let us do that by heading back to Strapi admin page.

Enable API Access

Go to the Strapi Admin page, click the Roles and Permissions on the sidebar and click on the edit button for Authenticate.


In the Permissions, click Select All for Category and Expense-Item and Save. This will allow any user who is logged into to perform all sorts of operations on the Category and Expense Item models.


Create a test user

It can be noticed that the Roles & Permissions page shows “0 User” for the Authenticated role despite us logged in as the admin. That’s because Strapi considers Super Admin users different from users created for the User content type. So, we will create a new user who will act as the test user.

  • On the sidebar click Users under Collection Types
  • Click “Add new user”
  • Input username, email and password
  • Set confirmed to ON (we are going to skip the whole email confirmation here)
  • Click Save

Now if you switch to the Roles & Permissions page, you should see it say “1 User” in the Authenticated row.

Testing the API as an authenticated user

Side Note: I will use Postman to test the API. You can use whatever you are comfortable with using this as reference: Authenticated Request

In order for the requests to be sent as an authenticated user, we need a use the JWT returned during login and use it as the Bearer Token. So, let us login at http://localhost:1337/auth/local


Let us copy that JWT token from the response and use it to test http://localhost:1337/categories


The 403 Forbidden error is gone and we have a 200 OK response with empty array []. Now let us create a Category using a POST request with the same request.

  • Set the method to POST
  • Switch to the Body Tab
  • Select raw and type JSON and
  • Enter the data as

“name”: “Travel”,
“color”: “{{$randomHexColor}}”

Side Note: I like how Postman provides functions to generate values like random colors.



“id”: 1,
“name”: “Travel”,
“color”: “#535203”,
“user”: null,
“created_by”: null,
“updated_by”: null,
“created_at”: “2020-08-08T08:01:13.290Z”,
“updated_at”: “2020-08-08T08:01:13.290Z”,
“expense_items”: []

A new category has been created with the with the ID 1. But notice that the user attribute is actually null. That is because we didn’t pass the “user” attribute in the POST request. We shouldn’t have to. That information is already available with Strapi in the form of JWT token we have sent with the request.

How do we make Strapi automatically populate the user field?

Before we answer that, let us test another thing related to this user issue.

Testing Access Control of Users

  1. Create another user in the Strapi Admin window, let us call the user intruder
  2. Now log in as the intruder user and get the JWT Token
  3. Using intruder‘s JWT token let us send a get request to the /categories


The intruder is able to access the category created by test_user. This will happen even if the user value is not null. For example, go to the Strapi Admin and set the user value of the “Travel” category to test_user


Now switch back to Postman, don’t change anything and rerun the GET /categories request again.


You will notice that we are still able to access test_user‘s information as intruder.

To summarise:

  1. We created the category as test_user
  2. We have set the category to belong to test_user
  3. We made request using intruder’s token
  4. And we are able to access test_user’s data

So, any authenticated user can read anyone’s data. Not just read, if you recall the settings from “Roles & Permission”, they can also change and delete anyone’s data. Effective making the entire API useless.

Restricting access to Owners

Now we have identified two issues:

  1. Automatically assigning ownership of a category to the user creating the category (discussed before)
  2. Restricting access to data owners only

Both of these can be solved by modifying the Controller logic of the models. We will deal with that in the next part.

So far…

The impressive thing about using Strapi for an API is the amount of stuff that comes out of the box.

  1. Setup the project structure with necessary libraries
  2. An nice Admin backend
  3. Create Models with relationships, constraints and validations
  4. Token based authentication for API access

All of this without writing a single line of code. If we have used a regular library, we would be swimming in configurations and routes by now.


Strapi – Add Ownership and Control to API

Data Science – First Impressions

After some thoughts on what to learn next, I enrolled myself into IBM Data Science Professional Certificate program. It is beginner level program to provide the necessary foundations for Data Science. I have completed 3 courses so far:

  1. What is Data Science?
  2. Tools for Data Science
  3. Data Science Methodology

I liked all the courses so far. Despite IBM Cloud tools’ big presence, the courses cover the concepts in a somewhat generic way.

This post is NOT a review of the course or certification.

This post is mostly about my first impressions on the domain of Data Science.

1. It’s not strictly a science

Data Science doesn’t have a clear definition. Everyone defines it the way they want. Murtaza Haider – author of Getting Started with Data Science puts it simply as

Data Science is what data scientists do

It is not statistics either, so I guess instead of inventing a new word for experimental statistics, data analysis, visualisation and model building, someone called it science.

2. Engineers will probably hate it

If there is one underlying principle that defines engineers, it is their love for certainty. Engineers strive to build systems governed by a set of rules that will produce predictable outcomes. Data Science is actually quite the other way around, you start with a question and move towards an answer which could be anything, valid or invalid. It is a frustrating experience to go the full way without knowing where. Sure, we get some hints here and there throughout the process. If one has the “journey is more important than destination” attitude, it is a good ride. But if you yearn for certainty or get frustrated mid way through the process, you will probably end up torturing the data to confess the way you want it to.

3. The Jargon

It is a field of jargon. Everything has a specific word/phrase. If you open the data in excel and see it, you will probably call it inspecting the data. As a data scientist, you do the same with a couple of lines of Python Code on a Jupyter Notebook and call it “Exploratory Data Analysis” or EDA, if you change value or format them to a specific standard is “Data Manipulation” or DML (did that thing even need a 3 letter acronym?). If you query some data, do some manipulations, it is a Extract-Transform-Load or ETL pipeline.

While some of them are valid terminologies (like ETL) which exist to communicate effectively, some of them are just marketing jargon which exists to make stuff seem bigger than they are.

4. The Ah..ha moments

This is the best thing about Data Science according to me. It is those moments when your perception is altered by the data or when the output is altered by the perception. Engineering by its nature is application of established principles, we get our ah..ha moments when we learn a new concept invented by a scientist. But in data science the data can produce such moments by their mere nature of being exploratory in nature. Since we start with a question and follow the data to the answer, it usually results in a light bulb moment.

5. Practicality

This is the area which is most conflicting for me. Things like “Data is the new oil” has been said for close to a decade now and the general consensus seems to be that more data the better. But both my personal experience as a teacher and the case study about a health insurance provider in the course have made me wary of the practicality of this approach. I can write about my personal experience as anecdotal evidence. But I think I would give a more data oriented reason (the post being about data science and all).

Explosion of healthcare administrators in the US

While studying the data science methodology, it becomes acutely clear how this happened. I am not saying data science is the root cause of the problem, but it is definitely a contributing factor as no model built by any data scientist can be static. It is iterative process which keeps cycle of data collection modelling and output going. So when overdone, it feels more of a problem than a solution.

6. The machines are coming for the data scientists

The hype for data scientists went mainstream, I think with the McKinsey report of 2018 saying there will be a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 data professionals in US alone. Followed by data scientists becoming the highest paid in technical jobs. Going by IBM tools that I have used during the course, I don’t think the hype will age well.

Money is in automation – an estimated 70 to 90% time is spent by data scientists in collecting and preparing the data for the analysis. If there is anything that computers were invented for, it is to automate such mundane processes. Even if a company is saving 50% of that time, it is great cost saving. So automation tools will cut down the work and thus the demand for data scientists.

Side Note: You can create a free account at and checkout their tools to get an idea of the direction and sophistication of the tools that are being developed.

Uncertainty of the outcome – as mentioned earlier, not all organisations will gain from having a data science team. Apart from the data, a variety of things like – organisation size, scope for data driven decision making and the talent of the data science team all impact the outcome of the exercise. Combined with off the shelf offerings from IT companies, data scientist’s role might shrink to just an computer operator in some cases.

No, I am not saying data scientists will become obsolete. Just that it is not going to live up to the hype.

Before you throw brick bats

I have completed only 3 of 9 courses in the program. Once I complete another 3 courses, I think I will have a better understanding of things and will revisit the topic again.

text/plain MIME Type and Python

When you do echo "x" > my_file and then check its MIME type using file --mime-type my_file it would say text/plain. But, when you do the same in Python by

with open("my_file_2", "w") as fp:

and then check the MIME type it would say application/octet-stream. What’s the difference?

For the impatient

echo adds a new line to file which tells the file utility it is a text file.

For the curious

When I saw this question on StackOverflow, I was really stumped due to the following reasons:

  1. I didn’t know the file utility can be used to get the mime-type of the file. I thought MIME Type is only relevant in the context of web server and clients. After all, MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  2. I thought operating systems usually use the file extension to decide the file type, by extension the mime type. Don’t the OSes warn when we touch the extension part of the files while renaming, all the time? So, how does file utility do this on a files without any extension?

Adding extensions

Lets try adding extensions:

$ echo "x" > some_file.txt
$ file --mime-type some_file.txt
some_file.txt: text/plain

Okay, that’s all good. Now to the Python side:

with open("some_file_2.txt", "w") as fp:
$ file --mime-type some_file_2.txt
some_file_2.txt: application/octet-stream

What? file doesn’t recognise file extensions?

The OS conspiracy theory

Maybe echo writes the mimetype as a metadata onto the disk because echo is a system utility and it knows to do that and in Python the user (me) doesn’t know how to? Clearly the operating system utilities are a cabal of some forbidden knowledge. And I am going to uncover that today, starting with the file utility which seems to have different answers to different programs.

How does ‘file’ determine MIME Type?

Answers to this question has some useful information:

How do you change the MIME type of a file from the terminal?

  1. MIME Type is a fictional value. There is no inherent metadata field that stores MIME Types of files.
  2. Each operating system uses a different technique to decide file type. Windows uses file extension, Mac OS uses type creator & type codes and Unix uses magic numbers.
  3. The file command guesses file type by reading the content and looking for magic numbers and strings.

Time to reveal the magic

Let us peer into the souls of these files in their purest forms where there is no magic but only 1s and 0s. So, I printed the binary representation of the two files.

$ xxd -b my_file
00000000: 01111000 00001010 x.

$ xxd -b my_file_2
00000000: 01111000 x

The file generated by echo has two bytes (notice the . after the x) whereas the file I created with Python only has one byte. What is that second byte?

>>> number = int('00001010', 2)
>>> chr(number)

And it turns out like every movie on magic, there is no such thing as magic. Just clever people putting new lines to tell file it is a text file.

Creating a trick

Now that the trick is revealed, lets create our own magic trick

$ echo "<file></file>" > xml_file
$ file --mime-type xml_file
xml_file: text/plain

$ echo "<?xml version="1.0"?><file></file>" > xml_file
$ file --mime-type xml_file
xml_file: text/xml

Useful Links


Thinking about the next step as a Python Developer

Disclaimer: The analysis is not a bullet proof analysis. Despite writing code, and throwing around numbers, this might still be a random observation. Stack Overflow Job board is a not an indicator of everything. So take everything with a pinch of salt.

Python or Full Stack?

As someone who identifies as a Python Developer and uses Python as the primary language for programming, thinking about what to learn next is confusing. I primarily do “Full Stack development”, that is write backend API in Python Flask/Django and use modern JS (React/Vue) for the frontend. But recently I am seeing a disconnect between the idea of “Python Developer” and “Full Stack Developer” in the job postings. Full Stack development seems to be defined more or less synonymous to JS development. Python Job postings on the other hand are more closer to dev ops, systems development, data analytics and machine learning.

A simple experiment

So, I devised a simple experiment to verify what I seeing is in fact something of a trend and not a random observation. Look at the job postings on Stack Overflow for skill demand and use that as an indicator.

  • Go to Stack Overflow Jobs
  • Set the “Tech you like” to node.js139
  • Set the “Tech you like” to django + flask61
  • Set the “Tech you like” to python and “Tech you don’t like” to django+flask266

huh, what?

Web Development in NodeJS is more in demand than Web Development in Python and Python’s general purpose demand is way more higher than Python Web Development.

For the sake of simplicity, I have considered Django + Flask as the entire Python Web development.

Okay, so my observations and confusion about “Full Stack Development” becoming more and more Node.js development is in fact valid and I wasn’t imagining it.

What’s up with Python?

Now I was intrigued with finding out what’s happening to Python. What are those 266 other listings? Where is the demand for Python coming from? Also, I am getting a little worried about continuing as a Full Stack (Python) Developer. To get a better idea of the situation, I downloaded the RSS Feed of the Job postings for Python + NodeJS, extracted the categories for each posting and created a map of the 30 most mentioned categories.


Each Job posting is a row with the top 30 categories as columns. If a job positing falls under a category, it is marked 1, otherwise zero. Then I created a heatmap of the correlation matrix of the table, which will tell me how the technologies are related to each other.


Anything that has a positive correlation has the value printed in green. Armed with this data, we can make a few observations:

  1. REST and API are not correlated to Python, but to NodeJS
  2. Event Flask and Django are not correlated to REST API
  3. Python is associated with system languages like C, C++, and Java more than web technologies.
  4. Flask is associated with more technologies than Django. Especially to Micro-Services technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.


  1. General purpose Python web development will probably go the way of Ruby-on-Rails.
  2. Python Web development’s growth will increasingly come from micro-services and API systems which will sit on top of Machine Learning / AI based services.
  3. PHP, .Net, Java all have their own full-stack definitions and job postings, but I think NodeJS will continue dominate this term.

Final Thoughts

Identifying the next thing to learn for a Python Developer doing Full Stack Development means identifying the area of focus. Taking the time to retool in Node.JS might be as good a choice as learning micro services architecture with a bit of DevOps or learning Data Science and ML. Picking a path and moving ahead is looking more of a necessity at this point.

And I am left wondering which path to choose.

Jupyter – Finding the point when a line graph crosses the threshold

A friend of came up with the problem. There are a set of points [(x, y), (x1, y1), (x2, …]. He wanted to find the points at which this line would pass the value Z less than the peak. If the maximum value is 100 and Z = 20. He wanted to find the points where it would cross y = 80.

Now there are multiple ways to solve this problem. I attempted a simple linear interpolation solution.

I don’t the solution itself to be a big thing. What I am really impressed is, how neatly I was able to present the solution using Jupyter Notebook to him.

I was able to document the solution in a step by step fashion, with visual representation of how I solved it.

Take a look

from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f = [100, 102, 103.5, 105.5, 106.5, 107.5, 108.5, 110]
mag = [0, 30, 40, 145.3, 166.5, 164.5, 75.79, 65.3]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(f, mag)

for x,y in zip(f, mag):
    label = ax.text(x, y, y)



gap = 30

# 1. Find the maximum value
max_mag = max(mag)

# 2. Set the threshold value
y = max_mag - gap

ax.hlines(y, f[0], f[-1], linewidth=0.5, color="cyan")


max_idx = mag.index(max_mag)

# 4. Find the left and right values which are lower than the "y" you are looking for
left_start_idx = None
left_end_idx = max_idx
right_start_idx = max_idx
right_end_idx = None

for i in range(max_idx):
    left_idx = max_idx - i
    right_idx = max_idx + i

    # if left index is more than Zero (array left most is 0) and left is not yet set
    if left_idx >= 0 and not left_start_idx:
        value = mag[left_idx]
        # if the value is lower than our threshold then pickup the point
        # and the one next to it
        # that will form our segment to interoploate
        if value < y:  
            left_start_idx = left_idx
            left_end_idx = left_idx + 1

    # if the right index is less than our array size (0..N) and right is not yet set
    if right_idx < len(mag) and not right_end_idx:
        value = mag[right_idx]
        if value < y:
            right_end_idx = right_idx
            right_start_idx = right_idx - 1

if not right_end_idx:
    print("Cannot find point on the right lower than %d" % (y))

if not left_start_idx:
    print("Cannot find point on the left lower than %d" % (y))

# Plotting the lines we will be interpolating

if left_mag and right_mag:
        [f[left_start_idx], f[left_end_idx]],
        [mag[left_start_idx], mag[left_end_idx]],
        [f[right_start_idx], f[right_end_idx]],
        [mag[right_start_idx], mag[right_end_idx]],



Now Let us use the line equation

\frac{y - y1}{x - x1} = \frac{y2 - y1}{x2 - x1}

Solving for x we get

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) \frac{y - y1}{y2 - y1}

# Left point interpolation

y1 = mag[left_start_idx]
y2 = mag[left_end_idx]
x1 = f[left_start_idx]
x2 = f[left_end_idx]

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)

ax.scatter([x], [y], color="green")


# Right point interpolation

y1 = mag[right_start_idx]
y2 = mag[right_end_idx]
x1 = f[right_start_idx]
x2 = f[right_end_idx]

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)

ax.scatter([x], [y], color="green")


I was able to export the whole thing as a PDF and send it to him.

Building a quick and dirty data collection app with React, Google Sheets and AWS S3

Covid-19 has created a number of challenges for the society that people are trying to solve with the tools they have. One such challenge was to create an app for data collection from volunteers for food supply requirements for their communities.

This needed a form with the following inputs:

  1. Some text inputs like the volunteer’s name, his vehicle number, address of delivery..etc.,
  2. The location in geographic coordinates so that the delivery person can launch google maps and drive to the place
  3. A couple of photos of the closest landmark and the building of delivery.

Multiple ready made solutions like Google Forms, Zoho Forms were attempted, but we hit a block when it came to having a map widget which would let the location to be picked manually, and uploading photos. After an insightful experience with CovidCrowd, we were no longer in a mood to build a CRUD app with Database, servers..etc., So the hunt for low to zero maintenance solution resulted in a collection of pieces that work together like an app.

Piece 1: Google Script Triggers

Someone has successfully converted a Google Sheet into a writable database (sort of) with some Google Script magic. This allows any form to be submitted to the Google Sheet and the information would be stored in the columns like in a Database. This solved two issues, no need to have a database or a back-end interface to access the data.

Piece 2: AWS S3 Uploads from Browser

The AWS JavaScript SDK allows direct upload of files into buckets from the browser using the Congnito Credentials and Pool ID. Now we can upload the images to the S3 bucket and send the URLs of the images to the Google Sheet.

Piece 3: HTML 5 Geolocation API and Leaflet JS

Almost 100% of this data collection is going to happen via a mobile phone, to we have a high chance of getting the location directly from the browser using the browser’s native Geolocation API. In a scenario where the device location is not available or user has denied location access, A LeafletJS widget is embedded in the form with a marker which the user can move to the right location manually. This is also sent to the Google Sheets as a Google Maps URL with the Lat-Long.

Piece 4: Tying it all together – React

All of this was tied together into a React app using React hook form with data validation and custom logic which orchestras the location, file upload ..etc., When the app it built it results in a index.html file and a bunch of static CSS and JS files which can be hosted freely as Github Pages or in an existing server as a subdirectory. Maybe even server over a CDN gzipped files, because there is nothing to be done on the server side.

We even added things like image preview in the form so the user can see the photos he is uploading on the form.


Architecture Diagram



  1. Google Script Trigger Limits – There is a limit to how many times the Google Script can be triggered
  2. AWS Pool ID exposed – The Pool ID of with write capabilities is exposed to the world. If there is someone smart enough and your S3 bucket could become their free storage or if you have enabled DELETE access, then lose your data as well.
  3. DDOS and Spam – There are also other considerations like Spamming by watching the Google Script trigger or DDOS by triggering with random requests to the Google Script URL that you exhaust the limits.

All of these are overlooked for now as the volunteers involved are trusted and the URL is not publicly shared. Moreover the entire lifetime of this app might be just a couple of weeks. For now this zero maintenance architecture allows us to collect custom data the we want.


Building this solution showed me how problems can be solved without having to write a CRUD app with a admin dashboard every time. Sometimes a Google Sheet might be all that we need.

Source Code:

PS Do you know is just a single Google Sheet and a collection of static files on Github Pages? It servers 150,000 to 300,000 visitors at any given time.

Simplifying a Factory Pattern function that has grown complex

This is a combination of the problem that I posted in and StackExchange and the final solution that I adopted.

The Problem

I have a function which takes the incoming request, parses the data and performs an action and posts the results to a webhook. This is running as background as a Celery Task. This function is a common interface for about a dozen Processors, so can be said to follow the Factory Pattern. Here is the psuedo code:

processors = {
    "action_1": ProcessorClass1, 
    "action_2": ProcessorClass2,

def run_task(action, input_file, *args, **kwargs):
    # Get the input file from a URL
    log = create_logitem()
        file = get_input_file(input_file)
        log.status = "Failure"

    # process the input file
        processor = processors[action](file)
        results = processor.execute()
        log.status = "Failure"

    # upload the results to another location
        log.status = "Failure"

    # Post the log about the entire process to a webhoook

This has been working well for most part as the the inputs were restricted to action and a single argument (input_file). As the software has grown, the processors have increased and the input arguments have started to vary. All the new arguments are passed as keyword arguments and the logic has become more like this.

    input_file = get_input_file(input_file)
    if action == "action_2":
       input_file_2 = get_input_file(kwargs.get("input_file_2"))
    log.status = "failure"

    processor = processors[action](file)
    if action == "action_1":
        extra_argument = kwargs.get("extra_argument")
        results = processor.execute(extra_argument)
    elif action == "action_2":
        extra_1 = kwargs.get("extra_1")
        extra_2 = kwargs.get("extra_2")
        results = processor.execute(input_file_2, extra_1, extra_2)
        results = processor.execute()
    log.status = "Failure"

Adding the if conditions for a couple of things didn’t make a difference, but now almost 6 of the 11 processors have extra inputs specific to them and the code is starting to look complex and I am not sure how to simplify it. Or if at all I should attempt at simplifying it.

Something I have considered:
1. Create a separate task for the processors with extra inputs – But this would mean, I will be repeating the file fetching, logging, result upload and webhook code in each task.
2. Moving the file download and argument parsing into the BaseProcessor – This is not possible as the processor is used in other contexts without the file download and webhooks as well.

The solution

I solved it by making two important changes:

  1. Normalised the processor’s by making the common arguments positional and everything else keyword based. This allows me to pass the kwargs as I receive them without unpacking. It is the processor’s job.
  2. For the extra files, make a copy of the kwargs and replace the remote file url with the local file location. This way, the extra files are a part of the kwargs dict itself.
def run_task(action, input_file, *args, **kwargs):

    params = kwargs.copy()

    # Get the input file from a URL
    log = create_logitem()
        file = get_input_file(input_file)
        if action == "action_2":
           params["extra_file"] = get_input_file(kwargs["extra_file"]  # update the files in params
        log.status = "Failure"

    # process the input file
        processor = processors[action](file)
        results = processor.execute(**params)   # Unpack and pass the params
        log.status = "Failure"

    # upload the results to another location
        log.status = "Failure"

    # Post the log about the entire process to a webhoook

Now I have the same lean structure as I originally had. The only processor specific code is the file downloads which I think I can live with for now.


Kain0_0‘s answer pointed me in the right direction and helped me simplify it in a way that makes sense.