dev-note: Getting pyenv and pyright to work in Doom Emacs

Getting Pyenv and Pyright to play nice in python-mode on Doom Emacs requires sticking to a few rules. I discovered these after multiple attempts of trial and error. All the following things might not be needed. But I got things to work only when I set all of these up.

So, best advice is – start here and try to reduce it down.

Emacs Config

  • Edit your .doom.d/init.el
  1. Enable both lsp and tree-sitter in the tools. tree-sitter is not probably needed for this. But, I wanted to use it, so.
  2. Enable python mode with (python +lsp + tree-sitter +pyenv +pyright)
(require 'pyenv-mode)

(defun projectile-pyenv-mode-set ()
  "Set pyenv version matching project name."
  (let ((project (projectile-project-name)))
    (if (member project (pyenv-mode-versions))
        (pyenv-mode-set project)

(add-hook 'projectile-after-switch-project-hook 'projectile-pyenv-mode-set)
  • Then run ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom sync and then ~/.emacs.d/bin/doctor to ensure the required tools are available.

Setting up your Python Env

Add your project as a Projectile project using SPC p a

Now if you have read the Projectile script you would have noticed that the “pyenv mode” sets the name of the project as the Python environment name. So, if you like me use pyenv-virtualenv to create multiple virtual environments, then create your virtualenv with the same name as your project and install the dependencies within that virtualenv. For example,

# project name is awesome-sauce
cd awesome-sauce
pyenv virtualenv 3.11 awesome-sauce
pyenv local awesome-sauce
pip install -r requirements.txt  # or any way you want to setup the dependencies

This will create a local .python-version file with the virtualenv name. This file seems to be crucial in getting the pyright to work. I tried multiple times without this file and just using pyenv shell <env> to activate the env and install the dependencies. And when I loaded up a file in Emacs, pyright would complain that none of the dependencies were available for import.


With all of this setup clearly, now I get autocompletion for dependencies installed via pip as expected, and syntax checking is happening as I type.

Notice that in the modeline, pyenv has loaded the correct environment and the LSP is also using the same one (the blue Python awesome-sauce).

I can now also run my tests quickly using SPC m t t using pytest.

Finally – a request

There’s a big chance that I might have missed something while documenting this. In case you are trying to achieve the same setup, but these rules aren’t sufficient to get things working for you, kindly drop a line.

Back to Basics with En Kanakku

Everyday I work on a megalith of a software called Open edX as a part of my work. It is built on top of Django. But here is the thing, it is very big piece of software and most of time I am tweaking something that is one among the many layers of abstraction and business logic.

This has created a deep desire to get down to the basics and build something. I tried learning Rust. A systems language. How more basic can I get than that? But what do I do with Rust? I don’t even know what kind of program I can write with that. A PDF Parser maybe? I downloaded the PDF 1.7 spec and started gathering 8 bits at a time. But Rust is not something that has the same velocity as Python or JavaScript. Understandably so. Compiled vs Interpreted.

In the meantime, something has also been really bothering me. My personal finance. Every year, I do a round up of my earnings and spends during the tax season and go over my savings. This year around, I have setup Firefly III to consume my bank statement and do it a little easier.

FireFly III is a fantastic software that made me realise a number of things I didn’t know about my finances


I needed more. I have tasted something sweet and I need more. Here are the things I wanted Firefly to have to make life easier for me

  1. Native support for importing my bank statement. The Firefly Importer does its job, but I needed run an extra service for that and had to create a template for mapping the fields.
  2. Native support for importing PDF Credit Card statements. A lot of the details are being missed because all the expenses for a month are reported as a single entry in the bank statement – CC Payment.
  3. Automatic Categorisation of transactions. Firefly let us to set up static rules that can help do this, but I found it a little complex and I was always afraid one rule might override another and my categorisation would go for a toss.


Why don’t I create a simple personal finance application in Python Django? I know the language and the framework. Creating something like this from scratch would allow me to get to the basics of Django. Get back to working with HTTP Responses, redirects, URL resolution, Middleware, Testing…etc., I use TDD and take help from ChatGPT to get the skeleton code.

I have also grown tired of the modern frontend development, the complexity is too much. This has helped me reset. Writing HTML in Django templates has been very cathartic. When I do need some interactivity, I plan on using HTMX. No Webpack, No bundling, None of the 1000 things that come with it.

I know, this doesn’t sound as sexy as “written in Rust”. But, working on this project has been very satisfying. It allows me to revisit things that I haven’t used in a long time. Build something I really want to use. And most importantly, takes me back to the basics – well at least to the basics of the abstraction layer Django provides.

The Project

The Project is named “En Kanakku” (என் கணக்கு) which is Tamil for “My Accounts”. Over the last couple of weeks, I have implemented:

  • Setup the dependencies and the basic skeleton for the app
  • Created a CSV Importer that can be subclassed to import transactions from any CSV file
  • Used it to create an importer for the Firefly III export
  • Added an admin action to merge account after the import

Now all of the transaction data I had in Firefly has been imported into En Kanakku, along with the accounts and categories. Baby steps…

Clean Python compiled files (.pyc) using py3clean

Recently ran into some issues with Python compiled files __pycache__ and *.pyc files not getting deleted when doing git checkout. The files have been created when I mounted the folder as a volume in a docker container and had different rights than the current user. So, I needed to use sudo to remove them recursively in the project.

That’s when I learnt of this cool new tool called py3clean. Simply run py3clean <folder> and it will remove all the Python compiled files recursively.

NER Annotator / NER Tagger for Spacy

NER Annotator is now available to use directly from the browser


As with most things, this started with a problem. Dr. K. Mathan is an Epidemiologist tracking Covid-19. He wanted to automated extraction of details from government bulletins for data collection. It was a tedious manual process of reading the bulletins and entering the data by hand. Since the bulletins has paragraphs of text with text in them, I was looking to see if I can leverage any NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools to automate parts of it.

Named Entity Recognition

The search led to the discovery of Named Entity Recognition (NER) using spaCy and the simplicity of code required to tag the information and automate the extraction. It kind of blew away my worries of doing Parts of Speech (POS) tagging and then custom writing an extraction algorithm. So, copied some text from Tamil Nadu Government Covid Bulletins and set out test out the effectiveness of the solution. It worked pretty well for the small amount of training data (3 lines) vs extracted data (26 lines).

Trying out NER based extraction in Google Colab Notebook using spaCy

But it had one serious issue. Generating Training Data. Generating training data for NER Annotation is a pain. It is infact the most difficult task in the entire process. The library is so simple and friendly to use, it is generating the training data that is difficult.

Creating NER Annotator

NER Annotation is fairly a common use case and there are multiple tagging software available for that purpose. But the problem is they are either paid, too complex to setup, requires you to create an account or signup, and sometimes doesn’t generate the output in spaCy’s format. The one that seemed dead simple was Manivannan Murugavel’s spacy-ner-annotator. That’s what I used for generating test data for the above example. But it is kind of buggy, the indices were out of place and I had to manually change a number of them before I could successfully use it.

After a painfully long weekend, I decided, it is time to just build one of my own. Manivannan’s tagger just uses JavaScript to create the training data JSON and then requires a conversion using a Python Script before it can be used. I decided to make it a little more bug proof.

This version of NER Annotator would:

  1. Use a Python backend to tokenize and detokenize text for tagging and generating training data.
  2. The UI will let me select tokens (idea copied from Prodigy from the spaCy team), so I don’t have to be pixel perfect in my selections.
  3. Generate JSON which can be directly loaded instead of having to post-process it with Python script.

The Project

I created the NER with the above goals as a Free and Open Source project and released it under MIT License.

Github Link:


Thanks to Philip Vollet noticing it and sharing it on LinkedIn and Twitter, the project has gotten about 107 stars on Github and 14 forks, which is much more reach than I hoped for.

Thanks to @1littlecoder for making a YouTube video of the tool and showing the full process of tagging some text, training data and performing extractions.

text/plain MIME Type and Python

When you do echo "x" > my_file and then check its MIME type using file --mime-type my_file it would say text/plain. But, when you do the same in Python by

with open("my_file_2", "w") as fp:

and then check the MIME type it would say application/octet-stream. What’s the difference?

For the impatient

echo adds a new line to file which tells the file utility it is a text file.

For the curious

When I saw this question on StackOverflow, I was really stumped due to the following reasons:

  1. I didn’t know the file utility can be used to get the mime-type of the file. I thought MIME Type is only relevant in the context of web server and clients. After all, MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  2. I thought operating systems usually use the file extension to decide the file type, by extension the mime type. Don’t the OSes warn when we touch the extension part of the files while renaming, all the time? So, how does file utility do this on a files without any extension?

Adding extensions

Lets try adding extensions:

$ echo "x" > some_file.txt
$ file --mime-type some_file.txt
some_file.txt: text/plain

Okay, that’s all good. Now to the Python side:

with open("some_file_2.txt", "w") as fp:
$ file --mime-type some_file_2.txt
some_file_2.txt: application/octet-stream

What? file doesn’t recognise file extensions?

The OS conspiracy theory

Maybe echo writes the mimetype as a metadata onto the disk because echo is a system utility and it knows to do that and in Python the user (me) doesn’t know how to? Clearly the operating system utilities are a cabal of some forbidden knowledge. And I am going to uncover that today, starting with the file utility which seems to have different answers to different programs.

How does ‘file’ determine MIME Type?

Answers to this question has some useful information:

How do you change the MIME type of a file from the terminal?

  1. MIME Type is a fictional value. There is no inherent metadata field that stores MIME Types of files.
  2. Each operating system uses a different technique to decide file type. Windows uses file extension, Mac OS uses type creator & type codes and Unix uses magic numbers.
  3. The file command guesses file type by reading the content and looking for magic numbers and strings.

Time to reveal the magic

Let us peer into the souls of these files in their purest forms where there is no magic but only 1s and 0s. So, I printed the binary representation of the two files.

$ xxd -b my_file
00000000: 01111000 00001010 x.

$ xxd -b my_file_2
00000000: 01111000 x

The file generated by echo has two bytes (notice the . after the x) whereas the file I created with Python only has one byte. What is that second byte?

>>> number = int('00001010', 2)
>>> chr(number)

And it turns out like every movie on magic, there is no such thing as magic. Just clever people putting new lines to tell file it is a text file.

Creating a trick

Now that the trick is revealed, lets create our own magic trick

$ echo "<file></file>" > xml_file
$ file --mime-type xml_file
xml_file: text/plain

$ echo "<?xml version="1.0"?><file></file>" > xml_file
$ file --mime-type xml_file
xml_file: text/xml

Useful Links


Thinking about the next step as a Python Developer

Disclaimer: The analysis is not a bullet proof analysis. Despite writing code, and throwing around numbers, this might still be a random observation. Stack Overflow Job board is a not an indicator of everything. So take everything with a pinch of salt.

Python or Full Stack?

As someone who identifies as a Python Developer and uses Python as the primary language for programming, thinking about what to learn next is confusing. I primarily do “Full Stack development”, that is write backend API in Python Flask/Django and use modern JS (React/Vue) for the frontend. But recently I am seeing a disconnect between the idea of “Python Developer” and “Full Stack Developer” in the job postings. Full Stack development seems to be defined more or less synonymous to JS development. Python Job postings on the other hand are more closer to dev ops, systems development, data analytics and machine learning.

A simple experiment

So, I devised a simple experiment to verify what I seeing is in fact something of a trend and not a random observation. Look at the job postings on Stack Overflow for skill demand and use that as an indicator.

  • Go to Stack Overflow Jobs
  • Set the “Tech you like” to node.js139
  • Set the “Tech you like” to django + flask61
  • Set the “Tech you like” to python and “Tech you don’t like” to django+flask266

huh, what?

Web Development in NodeJS is more in demand than Web Development in Python and Python’s general purpose demand is way more higher than Python Web Development.

For the sake of simplicity, I have considered Django + Flask as the entire Python Web development.

Okay, so my observations and confusion about “Full Stack Development” becoming more and more Node.js development is in fact valid and I wasn’t imagining it.

What’s up with Python?

Now I was intrigued with finding out what’s happening to Python. What are those 266 other listings? Where is the demand for Python coming from? Also, I am getting a little worried about continuing as a Full Stack (Python) Developer. To get a better idea of the situation, I downloaded the RSS Feed of the Job postings for Python + NodeJS, extracted the categories for each posting and created a map of the 30 most mentioned categories.


Each Job posting is a row with the top 30 categories as columns. If a job positing falls under a category, it is marked 1, otherwise zero. Then I created a heatmap of the correlation matrix of the table, which will tell me how the technologies are related to each other.


Anything that has a positive correlation has the value printed in green. Armed with this data, we can make a few observations:

  1. REST and API are not correlated to Python, but to NodeJS
  2. Event Flask and Django are not correlated to REST API
  3. Python is associated with system languages like C, C++, and Java more than web technologies.
  4. Flask is associated with more technologies than Django. Especially to Micro-Services technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.


  1. General purpose Python web development will probably go the way of Ruby-on-Rails.
  2. Python Web development’s growth will increasingly come from micro-services and API systems which will sit on top of Machine Learning / AI based services.
  3. PHP, .Net, Java all have their own full-stack definitions and job postings, but I think NodeJS will continue dominate this term.

Final Thoughts

Identifying the next thing to learn for a Python Developer doing Full Stack Development means identifying the area of focus. Taking the time to retool in Node.JS might be as good a choice as learning micro services architecture with a bit of DevOps or learning Data Science and ML. Picking a path and moving ahead is looking more of a necessity at this point.

And I am left wondering which path to choose.

Jupyter – Finding the point when a line graph crosses the threshold

A friend of came up with the problem. There are a set of points [(x, y), (x1, y1), (x2, …]. He wanted to find the points at which this line would pass the value Z less than the peak. If the maximum value is 100 and Z = 20. He wanted to find the points where it would cross y = 80.

Now there are multiple ways to solve this problem. I attempted a simple linear interpolation solution.

I don’t the solution itself to be a big thing. What I am really impressed is, how neatly I was able to present the solution using Jupyter Notebook to him.

I was able to document the solution in a step by step fashion, with visual representation of how I solved it.

Take a look

from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f = [100, 102, 103.5, 105.5, 106.5, 107.5, 108.5, 110]
mag = [0, 30, 40, 145.3, 166.5, 164.5, 75.79, 65.3]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(f, mag)

for x,y in zip(f, mag):
    label = ax.text(x, y, y)



gap = 30

# 1. Find the maximum value
max_mag = max(mag)

# 2. Set the threshold value
y = max_mag - gap

ax.hlines(y, f[0], f[-1], linewidth=0.5, color="cyan")


max_idx = mag.index(max_mag)

# 4. Find the left and right values which are lower than the "y" you are looking for
left_start_idx = None
left_end_idx = max_idx
right_start_idx = max_idx
right_end_idx = None

for i in range(max_idx):
    left_idx = max_idx - i
    right_idx = max_idx + i

    # if left index is more than Zero (array left most is 0) and left is not yet set
    if left_idx >= 0 and not left_start_idx:
        value = mag[left_idx]
        # if the value is lower than our threshold then pickup the point
        # and the one next to it
        # that will form our segment to interoploate
        if value < y:  
            left_start_idx = left_idx
            left_end_idx = left_idx + 1

    # if the right index is less than our array size (0..N) and right is not yet set
    if right_idx < len(mag) and not right_end_idx:
        value = mag[right_idx]
        if value < y:
            right_end_idx = right_idx
            right_start_idx = right_idx - 1

if not right_end_idx:
    print("Cannot find point on the right lower than %d" % (y))

if not left_start_idx:
    print("Cannot find point on the left lower than %d" % (y))

# Plotting the lines we will be interpolating

if left_mag and right_mag:
        [f[left_start_idx], f[left_end_idx]],
        [mag[left_start_idx], mag[left_end_idx]],
        [f[right_start_idx], f[right_end_idx]],
        [mag[right_start_idx], mag[right_end_idx]],



Now Let us use the line equation

\frac{y - y1}{x - x1} = \frac{y2 - y1}{x2 - x1}

Solving for x we get

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) \frac{y - y1}{y2 - y1}

# Left point interpolation

y1 = mag[left_start_idx]
y2 = mag[left_end_idx]
x1 = f[left_start_idx]
x2 = f[left_end_idx]

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)

ax.scatter([x], [y], color="green")


# Right point interpolation

y1 = mag[right_start_idx]
y2 = mag[right_end_idx]
x1 = f[right_start_idx]
x2 = f[right_end_idx]

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y2 - y1)

ax.scatter([x], [y], color="green")


I was able to export the whole thing as a PDF and send it to him.

Simplifying a Factory Pattern function that has grown complex

This is a combination of the problem that I posted in and StackExchange and the final solution that I adopted.

The Problem

I have a function which takes the incoming request, parses the data and performs an action and posts the results to a webhook. This is running as background as a Celery Task. This function is a common interface for about a dozen Processors, so can be said to follow the Factory Pattern. Here is the psuedo code:

processors = {
    "action_1": ProcessorClass1, 
    "action_2": ProcessorClass2,

def run_task(action, input_file, *args, **kwargs):
    # Get the input file from a URL
    log = create_logitem()
        file = get_input_file(input_file)
        log.status = "Failure"

    # process the input file
        processor = processors[action](file)
        results = processor.execute()
        log.status = "Failure"

    # upload the results to another location
        log.status = "Failure"

    # Post the log about the entire process to a webhoook

This has been working well for most part as the the inputs were restricted to action and a single argument (input_file). As the software has grown, the processors have increased and the input arguments have started to vary. All the new arguments are passed as keyword arguments and the logic has become more like this.

    input_file = get_input_file(input_file)
    if action == "action_2":
       input_file_2 = get_input_file(kwargs.get("input_file_2"))
    log.status = "failure"

    processor = processors[action](file)
    if action == "action_1":
        extra_argument = kwargs.get("extra_argument")
        results = processor.execute(extra_argument)
    elif action == "action_2":
        extra_1 = kwargs.get("extra_1")
        extra_2 = kwargs.get("extra_2")
        results = processor.execute(input_file_2, extra_1, extra_2)
        results = processor.execute()
    log.status = "Failure"

Adding the if conditions for a couple of things didn’t make a difference, but now almost 6 of the 11 processors have extra inputs specific to them and the code is starting to look complex and I am not sure how to simplify it. Or if at all I should attempt at simplifying it.

Something I have considered:
1. Create a separate task for the processors with extra inputs – But this would mean, I will be repeating the file fetching, logging, result upload and webhook code in each task.
2. Moving the file download and argument parsing into the BaseProcessor – This is not possible as the processor is used in other contexts without the file download and webhooks as well.

The solution

I solved it by making two important changes:

  1. Normalised the processor’s by making the common arguments positional and everything else keyword based. This allows me to pass the kwargs as I receive them without unpacking. It is the processor’s job.
  2. For the extra files, make a copy of the kwargs and replace the remote file url with the local file location. This way, the extra files are a part of the kwargs dict itself.
def run_task(action, input_file, *args, **kwargs):

    params = kwargs.copy()

    # Get the input file from a URL
    log = create_logitem()
        file = get_input_file(input_file)
        if action == "action_2":
           params["extra_file"] = get_input_file(kwargs["extra_file"]  # update the files in params
        log.status = "Failure"

    # process the input file
        processor = processors[action](file)
        results = processor.execute(**params)   # Unpack and pass the params
        log.status = "Failure"

    # upload the results to another location
        log.status = "Failure"

    # Post the log about the entire process to a webhoook

Now I have the same lean structure as I originally had. The only processor specific code is the file downloads which I think I can live with for now.


Kain0_0‘s answer pointed me in the right direction and helped me simplify it in a way that makes sense.

Two Days with Python & GraphQL


An web application needed to be built. An external API will give me a list of information packets as JSON. The JSON has the information and the user object. The application’s job is to store this data in a local database and provide an user interface to sort and filter this data. Simple enough.

GraphQL kept coming up on on the internet. A number of tools were saying they support GraphQL in their home pages and was making me curious. The requirement also said:

use the technology of your choice REST/GraphQL to build the backend

Now, I had to see what’s it all about. So I sat down read the docs and got a basic understanding of it. It made total sense theoretically. It solved a major problem I face when building Single Page Applications and the Backed REST APIs independently. The opaqueness of incoming data and the right method to get them.

Common Scenario I run into

While building the frontend, we assume use the schema that the backend people give as the source of truth and build it based on that. But the schema becomes stale after a while and changes need to be made. There are many reasons to it:

  • adding/removal/renaming of an attribute
  • optimisations that come into play, which alter the structure
  • the backend API is a third party one and searching and sorting are involved
  • API version changes
  • access control which restricts the information contained..etc.,

And even when we have a stable API, there is the issue of information leak. When you working with user roles, it becomes very confusing very quickly because a request to /user/ returns different objects based on the role of the requester. Admin sees different set of information than a privileged user and a privileged user sees a different set of data than an unprivileged one.

And more often than not, there is a lot of unwanted information that get dumped by APIs on to the frontend than what is required, which sometimes even lead to security issues. If you want to see API response overload take a look under the hood of Twitter web app for example, the API responses have a lot more information than what we see on screen.


Enter GraphQL

GraphQL basically said to me, let’s streamline this process a little bit. First we will stop maintaining resource specific URLs, we are going to just send all our requests to /graphql and that’s it. We won’t be at the mercy of the backend developers whim’s and fancies about how to construct the URL. No more confusing between /course/course_id/lesson/lesson_id/assignments and /assignments?course=course_id&amp;lesson=lesson_id. Next, no, we are not going to use HTTP verbs, everything is just a POST request. And finally no more information overload, you get only what you ask. If you want 3 attributes, then you ask 3, if you want 5 then you ask 5. Let us eliminate the ambiguity and describe what you want as a Graphql document and post it. I mean, I have been sick of seeing SomeObject.someAttribute is undefined errors. So I was willing to put in the effort to define my requests clearly even it meant a little book keeping. Now I will know the exact attributes that I am going to work with. I could filter, sort, paginate all just by defining a query.

It was a breath of fresh air for me. After some hands on experiments I was hooked. This simple app with two types of objects were the perfect candidate to get some experience on the subject.

Day/Iteration 1 – Getting the basic pipeline working

The first iteration went pretty smooth. I found a library called Graphene – Python that implemented GraphQL for Python with support for SQLAlchemy, I added it to Flask with Flask-GraphQL and in almost no time I had a API up and running that will get me the objects, and it came with sorting and pagination. It was wonderful. I was a little confused initially, because, Graphene implements the Relay spec. So my queries looked a little over defined with edges and nodes than plain ones. I just worked with it. I read a quick intro about Connections and realised I didn’t need to worry about it, as I was going to be just querying one object. Whatever implications it had, it was for complex relations.

For the frontend, I added Vue-Apollo the app and I wrote my basic query and the application was displaying data on the web page in no time. It has replaced both Vuex state management and Axios HTTP library in one swoop.

And to help with query designing, there was a helpful auto completing UI called GraphIQL, which was wonderful.

Day/Iteration 2 – Getting search working

Graphene came with sorting and filtering inbuilt. But the filtering is only available if you use Django as it uses django-filter underneath. For SQLAlchemy and Flask, it only offers some tips. Thankfully there was a library called Graphene-SQLAlchemy-Filter which solved this exact problem. I added that and voila, we have a searchable API.

When trying to implement searching in frontend is where things started going sideways. I have to query all the data when loading the page. So the query looked something like

query queryName {
  objectINeeded {
    edges {
      nodes {

And in order to search for something, I needed to do:

query queryName {
  objectINeeded(filters: { attribute_1: "filter_value" }) {

And to sort it would change to:

query queryName {
  objectINeeded(sort: ATTRIBUTE_1_ASC, filters: { attribute_1: "filter_value" }) {

That’s okay for predefined values of sorting and filtering, what if I wanted to do it based on the user input.

1. Sorting

If you notice closely, the sort is not exactly a string I could get from user as an input and frankly it is not even one that I could generate. It is Enum. So I will have to define an ENUM with all the supportable sorts and use that. How do I do that? I will have to define them in a separate GraphQL schema document. I tried doing that and configured webpack to build them and failed miserably. For one, I couldn’t get it to compile the .graphql files. The webloader kept throwing the errors and I lost interest after a while.

2. Searching

The filters is a complex JSON like object that could support OR, AND conditions and everything. I want the values to be based on user input. Apollo supports variables for that purpose. You can do something like this in the Vue script

apollo: {
  myObject: {
    gql: `query GetDataQuery($value1: String, $value2: Int) {
      objectINeed( filters: [{attr1: $value}, {attr2: $value2}] {
    variables() {
      return { value1: this.userInputValue1, value2: this.userInputValue2 }

This is fine when I want to employ both the inputs for searching, what if I want to do only one? Well it turns out I have to define a different query altogether. There is no way to do an optional filter. See the docs on Reactive Queries.
Now that was a lot of Yak shaving I am not willing to do.

Even if I did the Yak Shaving, I ran into trouble on the backend with nested querying. For example what if I wanted to get the objects based on the associated user? Like my query is more like:

query getObjects {
  myObject {
    user(filters: {first_name: "adam"}) {

The Graphene SQLAlchemy documentation said I could do it, it even gave example documentation, but I couldn’t get it working. And when I wanted to implement it myself, the abstraction was too deep that I would have to spend too many hours just doing that.

3. The documentation

The most frustrating part through figuring out all this was the documentation. For some reason GraphQL docs think that if I used Apollo in the frontend, then I must be using Apollo Server in the backend. Turns out there is no strict definition on the semantics for searching/filtering, only on the definition of how to do it. So what the design on the backend should match the design on the frontend. (Now where have I heard that before?) And that’s the reason documentation usually shows both the client and server side implementations.

4. Managing state

An SPA has a state management library like Vuex, Redux to manage application state, but with GraphQL, local state is managed with a GraphQL cache. It improves efficiency by reducing the calls to the server. But here is the catch, you have to define the schema of the objects for that to work. That’s right, define the schema as in write the models in GraphQL documents. It is no big deal if your stack is fully NodeJS, you can just do it once and reference it in both places.

In my case, I will have defined my SQLAlchemy models in Python in the backend, and I will have to do it again in GQL for the frontend. So changes have to be synced between them if anything changes. And remember that each query is defined separately, so I will have to update any query that will be affected by the changes.

At this point I was crying. I has spent close to 8 hours figuring out all this.

I gave up and rewrote the entire freaking app using REST API and finished the project including the UI in the next 6-7 hours and went to bed at 4 in the morning.


  1. GraphQL is a complex solution for a complex problem. You can solve simple problems with it but the complexity will hit you at some point.
  2. It provides a level of clarity in querying data that REST API doesn’t, but it comes with a cost. It is cheap for cheap work and costly for larger requirements. Almost like how AWS bills raise.
  3. No it doesn’t provide the kind of independence between the backend and frontend as it seems like on the surface. This might by lack of understanding and not the goal of GraphQL at all, but if you like me made this assumption, then just know it is invalid.
  4. Use low-level libraries to implement GraphQL, and try to keep it NodeJS. At least for the sake of sharing the schema documents if not for anything. If I has implemented the actions myself instead of depending on Graphene and adding a filter library on top of that, I would have fared better.


The Mastodon ecosystem is really nice. The concept of Fediverse bringing in decentralized social network is a breath of fresh air. I created NiftyBot account in – a dedicated server for Mastodon Bots.

What is NiftyBot?

  • It is a Mastodon Bot Account

What does it do?

  • It posts updates about Indian Markets
  • Currently it posts NSE closing report at 4.01 PM everyday. Sample post below


How does it work?

It is a Python script running in AWS Lambda.


A scheduler tiggers the Lambda Function at 4.01 every Monday – Friday. The lambda function is a Python Script that fetches the necessary details from NSE’s output data and posts to Mastodon.

Source Code:

Some asked about if this bot is open source. Obviously, you see the source right here. 🙂 Still I will add the license here.

The above source code is released into the Public Domain. You can do what ever you want with it.

How much does it cost to run this Bot?


Numbers Please:

The AWS Lambda Free tier comes with 1 Million requests and 400,000 GBSec, which is a combination of how much memory we use and the time taken by our process. Since I have used the CloudWatch Scheduler Event as the trigger, I am using 20-22 requests, the Python function takes about 60 MB to run so running at the lowest memory of 128MB block, and usually completes in around 2600-2700 msec. The metrics says my worst billed event so far is about 0.3375 GBSec. With about 20-22 trading days in a month, I might use a total of 8-10 GBSeconds, leaving enough room to run many more bots like this one 🙂