Internet Dot Org
Python mock – Handling namespaces
Unit testing a big python application comes with its own set of worries which includes mocking calls to parts of code which we will test somewhere else.
Python Pitfalls
I was woken up today with the following question:
Travis CI config for Python + NodeJS
I currently work with the Gluu Federation – an open source company. My present job is to build a Web UI for the cluster management using the available API.
The Social Media Dilemma
Woke up today morning and saw this piece on High Frequency Trading. I have already read Michael Lewis’Flash Boys and The Big Short which has kindled a strong dislike towards this HFT, not before dreaming about millions by doing it. When I hit this
Thattachu – Open Source Typing Tutor
Typing tutor is a known ancient domain to work on. There are a number of places online/offline, tangible/intangible places to learn typing. But Srikanth (@logic) stumbled on a peculiar problem when worked for the Wikimedia Language Engineering team. The new age Indic input methods involved in computers seem to have no place to learn how to type on them. The only way seems to be – have a visual reference for the layout and begin typing one key at a time. This might be the most inefficient method of learning to input information. So what do we do?
Zimbalaka – Zim file creator for Offline Wikipedia
OpenZim is a Wikimedia developed format for offline reading of Wikipedia. Read more here. But the project was sadly sidelined and the support from MediaWiki, the software that runs Wikipedia sites, was also removed.
Icons/Font related to Indian Culture
There seems to be a clear lack in availability of icons and icon fonts for using in the Indian cultural context. I realized this when we were designing a wedding invitation and we couldn’t find any free available material. So I am creating a list of known objects with cultural relevance and create them in my free time. All the icons you see here are available in Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain License. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. I suggest you upload your derived works to keep the spirit.
People’s Mobile
Caution: This is a bit wild man.